
VI-SEEM offers a broad set of generic as well as application-specific services in the region of South-eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean, with special focus on the scientific communities of Life Sciences, Climatology and Digital Cultural Heritage. Such services are in the areas of Compute resource provisioning (HPC, Grid and Cloud), Storage and Data services provisioning, Dataset provisioning, Software and Scientific Workflow provisioning as well as Application Specific service provisioning. These services create a unique Virtual Research Environment (VRE), thus improving research productivity and competitiveness on the pan-European level.

How to apply for Resources

VI-SEEM provides access to VI-SEEM services and associated infrastructure through Dedicated Calls for Proposals. These calls are addressed to scientists and researchers that work in academic and research institutions in the region of South Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean. More specifically, such countries are (in alphabetical order): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

The project proposals should address open research topics in the research specific fields of Life Sciences, Climate research, and Digital Cultural Heritage.

What are the Services and Resources offered by VI-SEEM?

The list of services and resources offered by the VI-SEEM VRE can be found at: and in the VI-SEEM VRE at:

Apply here!

All the details of the currently running call and the application form are available at: