This service provides datasets of regional importance for the scientific communities of interest.
Such data can be:
- Scientific data including experimental, observational, computational or curated data, including the methodology to acquire them i.e. the software, analysis workflows and documentation to access the data and related published results.
- Publications: Includes peer-reviewed journal and conference proceedings, as well as any additional documentation that is necessary to understand the analysis procedures and put the results in context.
- Simplified data formats for immediate re-use such as visualization for education and outreach purposes, as well as theory interpretations and educational analyses.
Users of the categories of data described above, are classified as follows, according to their intended use of the data:
- VI-SEEM collaborators, members of the relevant SC that require access to the data for analysis, research and production of new scientific results. Such users would require access and would benefit from all three Levels described above (Levels a/b/c)
- Worldwide scientific communities that require such data for further analysis including qualitative and quantitative, comparison with other data sets and in general any activities related to their research and the production of new scientific results. Such users would require access and would benefit from all three Levels described above (Levels a/b/c)
- The public-at-large, including outreach coordinators, educators and students. Such users would benefit from publications and simplified data formats and visualization for education and outreach purposes (Levels b/c).
Make your dataset available to the VI-SEEM community
Climate Scientific Community |
Digital Cultural Heritage Scientific Community |
Life Sciences Scientific Community |